Saturday, October 25, 2008

PICS-Visiting Teddy's Garden

This is Teddy and some of the kids are his own, but some are the neighborhood kids. 

This is Teddys house. Its considered very nice because of the brick, glass windows and curtains. Since his wife wasn't there, we weren't allowed to see inside.  

 He takes care of a lot of children.  He is the only one who works in his whole village.

I think this is where they cook.

This is Teddy's neighbors garden. Teddy's garden is far away from his house. 

This is where they store the maize throughout the year. 

So cute!
The kids didn't want us to leave. 
We got on the bus and drove down to Teddy's garden.  This is Amber, Vandy and Amy.

Teddy uses the Freedom Gardens technique. He gets on this machine (kinda like a elliptical) to pump the water from the river up the hill to the garden. 
Teddy is explaining to us how it works. 

Teddy hides  his machine under the hay so no one steals it. 

To read the blog that goes along with these pictures, see Visiting Teddy's Village 

PICS- MIE Students & Catholic Church Choir

On July 1st, we met some college students who we are sponsoring.  They go to MIE (Malawi Institute of Education) and are earning a degree to teach teachers. They wouldn't have this opportunity if we weren't helping them.  We are paying for their tuition, but they are responsible for rent and food. 
Radford is sponsoring the man on the left, VT is sponsoring the women and NC A & T is sponsoring the man on the  right who is focusing on math. 
The VT group with the student we are sponsoring. She is focusing on Science. 
This is the Radford group with the student they are sponsoring. He is focusing on literacy. 

On July 2nd after school, we walked to a local Catholic Church because they had planned a performance for us! 
 Inside the church
Catholic Church Choir performing 
Locals from all around came to watch
So resourceful with their costume materials. They are dressed up as the military

Cute kid! 
I love those drums!
Kinda scary costumes!

Brian & Liz got their picture with the choir
Everyone came to watch. The lady in the front right taught us how to do the tongue cheer! 
The professors were thanking them and giving them $

The kids are amused by anything and everything we do
Starting the walk back
beautiful path & scenery 
These were my two buddies that walked back with me. Such smart and polite boys.  I gave them some goodies from my backpack. 

To read the blog that goes along with the pictures of the MIE students, see the July 1st Blog
To read the blog that goes along with the pictures from the church choir, see July 2nd Blog

PICS-Krista & Lexi's Class

Our class picture!
This is what would happen every time you pulled out a camera in the schoolyard
Sharks & Minnows 
Dancing circle- We did this a lot!
Hokey Pokey
Gift (far left) wanted his picture taken with his friends

Macdonald running a game of twister
This is the girl that wrote me the note-She is showing the shark symbol from the game

I scanned a copy of the note- this is the front side 
This is the inside. I can't really understand all of it but its still very special!  

This was the long jump activity they showed us-very impressive

Just hanging out with the kids

I scanned a copy of the "study guide" the children made for me.  One day they were trying to teach me Chichewa, so they wrote down basic words in Chichewa and English to help me learn. 
Macdonald teaching. Notice the paper hanging from the string. Each paper has one of the 9 subjects they study hanging from the ceiling. 
The students wrote information about themselves so we could get to know them

We brought books for the students to read 

They made paper butterflies
They really enjoyed using the rulers to measure!

I taught a game of  hangman- They snap their fingers when they want to be called on


Showing off their new pencils and eraser tops
Krista is teaching them about their body parts

Each table showed us they could do the Hokey Pokey
We took pictures of each student and gave them a copy- They made borders and decorated the paper
We were dancing of course!

At the end of every day, the students would present us with gifts from their garden