I remember how helpful it was to get tips/suggestions from the group who went the year before us, so I wanted to do the same for the group going this summer. The '08 VT group compiled a list of hints/tips for them. Everything from packing hints, traveling tips, what to expect while you are there, health suggestions, teaching tips, cultural FYI, info about the internet access, and our own words of wisdom. I sure hope it helps them and it will be a great reference if I am able to go back in my future!!
Two students from our group last year are going back this summer on their own for 3 weeks! Amy (RU) and Brian (NC A&T) bought plane tickets and they are planning on meeting up with Peter while in Malawi. I am so jealous!! Brian is coming to VT in the fall for a doctorate program! He came to Blacksburg in the spring and we were able to grab coffee and catch up. I can't wait to hear the stories about their trip!
The study abroad group left this morning at 10am for Africa. Many of them set up blogs and these are the ones I know of:
http://www.malawistudyabroad09.blogspot.com/ (Rachel)
http://toddmalawi.blogspot.com/ (Todd)
http://africaabroad.blogspot.com/ (Kacey)
http://www.malawistudyabroad.blogspot.com/ (Dr. Kelly)
http://utkelizabeth.blogspot.com/ (Carolyn)
http://hacklerhash.blogspot.com/ (DeAnna)
http://annmaryroberts.wordpress.com/ (Ann Roberts)
http://bethdickey.blogspot.com/ (Beth)
http://www.kkelsa.blogspot.com/ (Kelsey)
I am anxiously awaiting to hear that they arrived safely. I can't wait to follow these blogs and re-live my trip. I cannot believe it's been a year since I left for Malawi. I remember it like it was yesterday!