Sunday, June 22, 2008

Take off


I am Tricia, Lexi's mom. Lexi has graciously allowed me to post on her blog.

Lexi left for Africa on Saturday evening around 9:30pm. The flight was delayed due to "mechanical problems". They sat on the runway for about an hour before takeoff.

She was 'ready' to go. Saturday she was very calm, going about her business checking off items on her to do list. All these weeks of preparation finally paid off. The house seems strangely quiet today as we wait for the first bit of news.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lexi!

I'm not sure if you'll get this, but good luck! We're looking forward to seeing you again and hearing about YOUR trip.


Anonymous said...

I love you girl! I know you are going to have an amazing time out there and you're beautiful smile will be touching the hearts of all those little kids!!! When I went to Europe, I learned so many new things and learned a lot about myself. I am sure that you will feel the same way! When you get back we need to get together and share stories!! I miss you tons!