Saturday, March 7, 2009

PICS-A Day w/ Annie & Peter

July 12th- We spent the morning with Annie and the afternoon with Peter. They wanted to show us around town. 

Our first stop was the market. Annie needed food for the big party that night.  Annie definitely buys in bulk! 
Apparently in Malawi, after you go to the market, you always stop at a bar and have a beer.  So we went along and did whatever Annie did! We hung out here for awhile since it wasn't lunch time yet. 
This was a bar/nightclub. Look at those walls! 

Annie's friend was nice enough to cook all 18 of us lunch.  This is Charles (our bus driver) and Dr. Jones waiting for lunch. 
Annie and her friend who cooked us lunch. 

It looked like it was going to rain and sure enough it did. As soon as we arrived at Peter's orphanage, it just poured. 
The rain didn't stop the celebration! 
One of Peter's friend was nice enough to have bread and sodas for us at his home. We all crowded in this small room. Another great example about how much Malawians care about good hospitality. 

Peter passed out blankets to some children/families.  He called out their name and they came up to accept their blanket.  We call it Peter's orphanage, but there isn't actually a orphanage. Many of the children have lost their parents and they live with relatives.  The relatives have lots of children and Peter helps them care for the children. He is building an educational building and brings them supplies. 

We left the orphanage in a hurry because it was getting late. We needed to get home before dark! The big Farewell Party was that night. 
Every year Annie throws our group a farewell party and its a tradition to dress up in our Malawian dresses and dance the night away.  This year Peter wanted to have a party for us too.  So Annie had her party at one end of the lodge, and Peter had his on the other. We  ran back and forth all night long! 
Krista and I wanted a picture with our favorite front desk man, Cameron! 
Annie's party had food! 
Peter's party had drinks! Me, Heidi, Amber and Krista 
Annie and Dr. Kelly. Annie reminds me of Tina Turner! 
We had a great night!
My favorite boys, Brian and Peter 

To read the blog that goes along with these pictures, see Morning with Annie and afternoon with Peter 

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