Saturday, March 7, 2009

PICS- Malemia Feeding Program

On July 11th, instead of going to our classrooms the teach, the advisors thought it was really important for us to go to Malemia Primary School (where the Radford students teach) to witness the 1st day of the Feeding Program. Money raised from the Chibale Project goes to this program which allows about 1,000 students to get 1 cup of porridge every school day. For many students, this is their only meal of the day.  We heard all about this, but it was great to spend the day at Malemia and learn more about it. 

This is the porridge before its cooked
The village women start cooking around 5am so that it can be ready for the kids by around 10am.
This picture breaks my heart 
The kids are lining up for the porridge 
All the kids knew to bring their cups to school. Since attendance is so low to begin with,  encouraging kids to come to school so they will get food is great motivation! 
Getting their porridge 
One of the VT students took this picture. I was going through pictures with Sarah one day and she explained to me that there is no porridge in this boys cup.  He knew someone had a camera and that they would want a picture with him eating the porridge, so he posed for the picture.  

So many pictures show poverty and sadness, but once you go there you realize that despite their troubles,  these kids are so happy and can be so silly! 
I had a blast with these kids! 
As the morning went on, it got very crowded and was very chaotic. Happy kids all over the place! 
This is "innocent" he works at Malemia and is a great drum teacher. 
While students were getting their food, I was busy learning how to play the drums! Innocent had a drum lesson under the trees. 
I was not very good, but I learned some basic skills.  Between all of us, we got some rhythm going and the kids danced in a circle around us! 
It was an absolute great day! 
Dr. Jones walking back with her kids. 
We passed this house every morning on the way to Malemia. I just love it!  Cute porch, plants, and  painted windows.
Walking back we ran into a moving band on the back of a truck! 
These boys escorted me back. They are in secondary school (high school) and I enjoyed talking to them... they are very interested in coming to America. 
This is a little snack bar for the kids by Domasi Govt School 

To read the blog that goes along with these pictures, see Feeding Program at Malemia 

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