Monday, March 9, 2009

PICS- Visiting Macdonald's Family

Macdonald lived in walking distance from the school (duh, you walk everywhere in Malawi)  so after school one day, we went to visit his family.  Macdonald's wife wasn't expecting us until 1pm, so we were sure not to come early.  
Macdonald knocking on the door to his house! haha
He showered them with gifts! The family was very excited with anything and everything we gave them! 
Krista brought silly toys for the kids
Macdonald, his wife and their twin sons- Vincient & God Bless 
Vincent and I just clicked! We spent the afternoon playing together...He's precious! 
The Malawian meal Macdonald's wife cooked for us.  Nsima, pigon, & pumpkin leaves.  By this time I had been in Malawi for almost a month and was more comfortable with Malawian food, so this meal was actually very good! 
Silly hat
The Sheriff  Family
Good News- Tall boy to the  left 
Miriam- The mom in the pink
Macdonald- In the yellow
Lucy- In the orange on the right 
God Bless- twin boy to the left 
Vincent- twin boy to the right 
The other two children are relatives. They live with Macdonald's family now because they both lost their parents to HIV/AIDS. 

I fit right in with the family! haha  They have a beautiful brick house with plants!  Inside has furniture, electricity, TV, sink, photos, their children have clothes and shoes .... they are very well off.  Macdonald and his wife are both teachers.  We were the first Americans to visit their home! 
Vinny and I are BFF!  The only thing stopping me from bringing him home with me was knowing that he was  well cared for here in Malawi. If he was malnourished  and didn't have a family, I would have taken him in a heartbeat.  
Vincent had a break down when he had to say goodbye to me. Broke my heart. 

To read the blog that goes along with these pictures, see Have a Nice Journey 

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